Dani California
Guitar Pro Tab | v5.10
| Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 6:05 p.m.
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Guitar Pro Tab Summary
Stadium Arcadium
Song Author
Anthony Kiedis
File Size
94 KB
Get-ting born in the state of Miss-i-ssi-ppi Pa--pa was a cop-per and-a ma-ma was a hip-pie -In Al-a-ba-ma she would swing a ham-mer Price you got-ta pay when you break the pan-o-ra-ma She ne-ver knew that there was a-ny-thing more than poor What in the wo-orld does your com-pa-ny take me for Black ban-dan-na, sweet Lou-is-i-a-na Rob-bin' on a bank in the state of In-di-a-na -She's a run-ner, re-bel and a stun-ner On her mer-ry way sa-yin; ba-by what-cha gon-na Look-in' down the bar-rel of a hot me-tal four-ty-five Just an-o-ther way to sur-vive -Ca-li-for--nia rest in peace -Si-mul-tan--e-ous re-lease -Ca-li-for--nia show your teeth -She's my pries--tess, I'm your prie--YE--YE--She's a lov-er ba-by and a figh-ter Should-a seen it coming when it got a lit-tle brigh-ter -With a name like Da-ni Ca-li-for-nia The day was gon-na come when I was gon-na mourn ya A lit-tle loa-ded, she was stea-ling a-no-ther breath I love my ba-by to death -Ca-li-for--nia rest in peace -Si-mul-tan--e-ous re-lease -Ca-li-for--nia show your teeth -She's my pries--tess, I'm your prie--YE--YE--Who knew the o-ther side of you? Who knew that o-thers died to prove Too true to say good-bye to you Too true, too sad sad sad.. Push the fa-der gif-ted a-ni-ma-tor One -for the now and e-le-ven for the la-ter Ne-ver made it up to Min-ne-so-ta -North Da-ko-ta man was a gun-nin' for the quo-ta Down in the bad-lands she was sa-vin' the best for last It on-ly hurts when I la-Gone too fa-Ca-li-for--nia rest in peace -Si-mul-tan--e-ous re-lease -Ca-li-for--nia show your teeth -She's my pries--tess, I'm your prie--YE--YE--Ca-li-for--nia rest in peace -Si-mul-tan--e-ous re-lease -Ca-li-for--nia show your teeth -She's my pries--tess, I'm your prie--YE--YE